Bodybuilding Results Without Using Weights
Weights are commonly used by bodybuilders when they want to increase muscle mass and strength. They are also commonly used to help sculpt and add more definition to existing muscles. But does bodybuilding require the use of weights in order to get good results?Although weights can definitely be used to get quick, impressive results, there are also other ways to build muscle and gain bulk. Using the body itself as a weight is one method that works well. Pull-ups can be an extremely effective form of bodybuilding for the arms, shoulders and other upper body areas. Essentially, when one performs a push-up, the entire body is being used as a weight. So, if a man weighs two hundred pounds, he would be pulling up that amount of weight with his arms, shoulders, back and chest when doing a pull-up.
The same is true in the case of push-ups. A person's chest, arms, shoulders and neck all get a workout during a push-up. Again, the weight of the person's body is providing resistance, making the push-up more of a physical challenge. There are also a lot of variations on the standard push-up that can be used to work different muscles and intensify the workout -
Resistance exercises are another great way to engage in bodybuilding without the need to use weights. This can be as simple as using rubber exercise bands during your workout. Although quite simple, these bands provide enough resistance to give muscles more of a challenge, resulting in the development of greater strength. There are also exercise machines that work based on the principle of providing muscles with greater resistance, which can help.
Perhaps you do wish to add some weights to your exercise workout for the purpose of bodybuilding, but you do not own weights. If you would prefer not to go to the expense of purchasing weights, there are still options available to you. By thinking creatively, you can fill plastic jugs with sand, gravel or even water in order to create do-it-yourself weights. You can even use large juice cans or bags of flour or sugar as impromptu weights for bodybuilding.
It really does not require a great deal of effort, time or money in order to work out your muscles and get a good bodybuilding workout. You might be surprised how effective these simple solutions can be, and how impressive your bodybuilding results will be.
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